We want to offer a variety of competition trials that are at the same time competitive, fun and spectacular both for the attending public and for the most motivated pilots ans flight teams, while offering the possibility of more relaxed flights for those pilots who simply come to enjoy the flight.

General Scoring

We’ll establish a general scoring during the event with the application of the actual AXMERG05 rules, just with some little modifications because we are not going to use GPS loggers and we are just going to use simple tasks as: judge declared goal or hare, and also in a limited measuring area.

We will determinate  1º, 2º and 3º position in the general scoring.

In addition, the best pilot of each Hare task or the best judge declared goal of each flight will win a “EBF star” as a symbolic prize. At the end of the event, if you can get 5 EBF Stars togheter you’ll get a prize of 600 €. You can get these from the same pilot or  join several ones to get the prize. EBF Stars are also  valid from past, present or next edition of the European Balloon Festival.


From 10 to 14 July 2024


Igualada Parc Central

Av. Catalunya, s/n (next to the Hospital)
08700 Igualada (Barcelona)
GPS coordinates: 41º 35' 9.56" N 1º 37' 33.86" E


Tel. 93 516 40 16

Pilots information: Ultramagic